About Me
I am currently a postdoc in the Operations Research Department at Carnegie Mellon University. I graduated in May 2023 from the same department through the the Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization (ACO) Program, where I was advised by Ben Moseley. My thesis On Combinatorial and Stochastic Optimization won the 2023 Gerald L. Thompson Doctoral Dissertation Award in Management Science.
In Summer 2022, I was an intern at Microsoft Research Redmond in the Cloud Operations Research (CORE) group, where my mentor was Konstantina Mellou.
Previously, I obtained a MS in Computer Science and BS in Mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis, where I was advised by Brendan Juba.
Here is my CV. My e-mail is: rudyzhou1234@gmail.com. Here is my Google Scholar and DBLP.
I am on the job market for both academia and research positions in industry.
Research Interests
I am broadly interested in algorithm design with a focus on optimization under uncertainty. I design provably good algorithms for fundamental optimization problems in areas such as scheduling, resource allocation, and data analysis.
Recently, I am excited about stochastic combinatorial optimization, where we only have distributional information about the input. In this setting, I am thinking about new algorithms, hardness of approximation, adaptivity gaps, and imperfect information.
Author order is alphabetical by last name unless otherwise noted by (*).
Journal Publications
Konstantina Mellou, Marco Molinaro, Rudy Zhou
The Power of Migrations in Dynamic Bin Packing
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS) 2024 (to appear). (Link)Franziska Eberle, Anupam Gupta, Nicole Megow, Benjamin Moseley, Rudy Zhou
Configuration Balancing for Stochastic Requests
Mathematical Programming B 2024. (Link)Anupam Gupta, Benjamin Moseley, Rudy Zhou
Structural Iterative Rounding for Generalized k-Median Problems
Mathematical Programming A 2024. (Link)Benjamin Moseley, Kirk Pruhs, Clifford Stein, Rudy Zhou
A Competitive Algorithm for Throughput Maximization on Identical Machines
Mathematical Programming B 2024. (Link)Sungjin Im, Benjamin Moseley, Rudy Zhou
The Matroid Cup Game
Operations Research Letters, 2021. (Link)Rudy Zhou, Han Liu, Tao Ju, Ram Dixit (*)
Quantifying the polymerization dynamics of plant cortical microtubules using kymograph analysis
Methods in Cell Biology, 2020. (Link) (Pdf) (GitHub)
Conference Publications
Konstantina Mellou, Marco Molinaro, Rudy Zhou
The Power of Migrations in Dynamic Bin Packing
Sigmetrics 2025 (to appear). (Link)Konstantina Mellou, Marco Molinaro, Rudy Zhou
Online Demand Scheduling with Failovers
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP) 2023. (Link) (arXiv) (Slides)Franziska Eberle, Anupam Gupta, Nicole Megow, Benjamin Moseley, Rudy Zhou
Configuration Balancing for Stochastic Requests
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2023. (Link) (arXiv) (Slides)Anupam Gupta, Benjamin Moseley, Rudy Zhou
Minimizing Completion Times for Stochastic Jobs via Batched Free Times
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 2023. (Link) (arXiv) (Slides)Benjamin Moseley, Kirk Pruhs, Clifford Stein, Rudy Zhou
A Competitive Algorithm for Throughput Maximization on Identical Machines
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO) 2022. (Link) (arXiv) (Slides)Silvio Lattanzi, Benjamin Moseley, Sergei Vassilvitskii, Yuyan Wang, Rudy Zhou
Robust Online Correlation Clustering
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021. (Link) (Full Version) (Slides)Anupam Gupta, Benjamin Moseley, Rudy Zhou
Structural Iterative Rounding for Generalized k-Median Problems
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) 2021. (Link) (arXiv) (Slides)Sungjin Im, Mahshid Montazer Qaem, Benjamin Moseley, Xiaorui Sun, Rudy Zhou
Fast Noise Removal for k-Means Clustering
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2020. (Link) (arXiv) (Slides)
- Main Instructor at Carnegie Mellon University:
- MSBA Machine Learning Fundamentals (Course Designer, Spring 2024)
- MBA Calculus Fundamentals (Spring 2022, Spring 2023)
- Teaching Assistant at Carnegie Mellon University:
- Graph Theory (Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
- Teaching Assistant at Washington University in St. Louis:
- Computational Geometry (Fall 2017)
- Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory (Spring 2017)